London Diaries
Our London
A day sightseeing in London can leave a body slightly knackered, yet exhilarated. There is something about traveling which heightens your spirits, adrenaline and endurance. But at the end of the day while the body rests (preferably tucked into a cozy pub with a cold cider), the mind races on - processing the wonders of the day. A few days before we left for Paris, over a lovely dinner prepared by my friend, our hostess for our stay, I put pen to paper to capture London as we found it. This is a first of three posts which sum up each country and our impressions...
We have walked the streets of London, we have sat on the rims of fountains and stared upward toward Lord Nelson and have thought quietly, numerous times, "I thought it would be bigger..."
We have popped into pubs and awkwardly ordered at the bar, digging into wallets looking at oddly shaped coinage then paying with a 20£ note to save face.
We have nursed beers while listening to the sounds of locals and accents that sound out of films.
We have eaten fish and chips, gone to toilets, ridden the tubes and minded the gap.
We have lurched our way up the steps in a double decker, watched the passing urban landscape then lurched back down and out, meandering our way through sidewalks and open markets.
We have crossed the street properly and jaywalked like the natives, all while looking the wrong way.
We have had wine, beer, cider and local cheese in markets.
We have had an English breakfast, featuring beans and toast,
We have crossed the Tower Bridge, we have explored museums and byways.
We have pushed our way by God, in front of the Rosetta Stone and taken pictures above the heads of the madding crowds.
We have done Londinium.
London, September 2014 - on our first European Tour