Paris Diaries

To write about Paris and capture it's essence in total can be a futile thing.  Best to open a bottle of Chanel perfume, pour yourself a glass of beautiful wine and re-visit one memory at a time.  The people, the sounds, the architecture, the culture, the history, the food, the wine, the sights.....get the picture?  My first visit was a whirlwind affair.  Sometimes it takes time for all the memories to come to the surface because when you are are really in the moment.  I know I will be writing more in the future.  Here is my very first impression of Paris the afternoon we arrived and were picking up our keys at a little bar up the street from where we were staying in the Marais.  It is presented in a different style from the other "Diary" entries...and Paris is all about style.

Sept. 7, 2014 – Paris

So many beautiful shoes...but to take pictures without looking creepy proved to be difficult.

So many beautiful shoes...but to take pictures without looking creepy proved to be difficult.

Gazelle limbed girls,
Picking their way along narrow cobblestoned lane ways in their cloven designer heels, narrowly escaping competing taxis, scooters and overweight tourists,
with the casual insouciance of the very young, the very beautiful and the very Parisian.
Impossibly slim,
effortlessly elegant and fair of face.
Manes of glossy hair swing freely in the Indian summer late afternoon sunlight.
A painters dream, I realize it now.

Ah, the young.  So effortlessly au naturale and chic.

Ah, the young.  So effortlessly au naturale and chic.