The Painting - Remembering my friend Brent B. on his birthday

I notice the picture that I snapped of the evening sky yesterday reminds me of the painting that Brent made for me a few years ago.  "I'm going to make you a painting!" he decided one evening when he had dropped by our place for dinner.  He would send me photos of the various stages as he created it.

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Montreal Memoirs - the Lachine Files

My childhood memories often come to mind out of nowhere on any given day and remain vividly imprinted in my mind - like those spots when I close my eyes after staring too long at the sun (or a flashbulb).  Most of these random memories take place in Montreal, specifically in my neigbourhood of Lachine as it was back in the day. 

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Not so Wordless Wednesday - The gift of books

My whole life, I have received books as Christmas and birthday gifts.  Since my birthday falls two days after Christmas, a book was a small and thoughtful token and one which I enjoyed leaving under the tree until I could tear it open on my special day.

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Try a New Adventure Sport With a Local Pro on Your Next Trip!

A friend and colleague just sent me this exciting press release on new experiences in traveling - just in time for Start Up Weekend here in Vancouver, not to mention the start of the ski season!  Now's the time to get over the trauma of grade school gym class and rediscover the fun in sports - plus it's way cooler.  Read all about it here...


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Drybar Pacific Centre - Happy Hour For Your Hair!

I can't think of a more cozy place to be on a grey, rainy afternoon in Vancouver than in a warm and sunny, yellow and white pint sized salon - nestled in the cosmetics section of Nordstrom.  Kind of like being inside a Mimosa but dryer (hence, Drybar).  Here, the Happy Hour is all about your hair.

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Remembrance Day

I have always been very moved by Remembrance Day.  

From stories of war time - including the day to day lives of those on the home front - to cenotaphs and wreaths laid by our vets.  From flybys to the haunting "Last Post" and the moment of silence.  From food stamps, to shortages and chocolate bars at Christmas.  Packages made and sent abroad.  Stories that have become my own

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